Israel's teaching re. messiah!

Question: Does the Hebrew Bible say that the Messiah is going to be God Himself or Divine?


According to Hebrew teaching, their messiah is of human stock, and has not yet arrived!

This teaching has developed with their Jewish Leaders since Acts 28:25–28, when they denied Christ Crucified for the final time (during Paul’s ministry); which was prophesied by Isa. 6:9–10!

With the way that world events are developing, they will probably ‘adopt’ soon a human, to fulfil their aberrant teaching; which may fit the prophecy of “Anti-Christ”, which is seen in: Ezek. 38:21, Zech.12:4, 14:13, Dan. 7:25, 9:27,12:7, Isa.34:3 & Revelation 13:11, 16:13, 19:20, 20:10.


God's Direct Dealings with Israel   (Study)

God's Promise To Israel That They Would Survive!   (Study) 


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